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表紙 Metrical and
Constraints on Middle English Metrical Structure

by Michiko Terajima (寺島 廸子)
定価:本体 5,619円+税

初版発行日: 2000.12.15
ISBN 4-89798-601-X



This dissertation aims at making insights into Middle English metrical structure from a perspective of metrical and phonological constrains on it.
 The dissertation is organized in the following five chapters.
 Chapter one begins with a discussion of Middle English Metrical Well-formedness Constraints. They consist of those constraints on rhyme structure, alliterative structure and rhythm structure. The Constraints on rhyme and alliterative structures, which take care of rhyme and alliteration will first be discussed. they allow for occasional violations. Under what conditions they are incurred constitutes our main concern here.
 Chapter two argues about a third constraint - rhythm structure Constraint - that imposes on the rhythm struture of verse lines one- to - one correspondence between metrical position and linguistic stress ( Positional Constraint ). The rhythm structure Constraint contains another requirement : Labeling match, i.e., metrical W / S should correspondent to linguistic W / S and Bracketing match,i.e., metrical WS should correspond to lingistic structure WS. The correspondence between two levels readily deviate, however. I discuss under what conditions deviations of this kind emerge. There is another subconstraint at work here - Foot / Word Alignment Constraint whereby both edges of each foot are aligned with those of lexical words
 Chapter three focuses on middle English word stress. it will be demonstrated that the tree theory takes good care of word stress and does a better job than other theories in that it can go a long way without cycles and enables us to envisage metrical structure in direct relation to linguistic stress.
 Chapter four presents a discussion concerning the issue of how phonological stimuli respond to syllable structure, that is, how differently consonantal processes behave according to which position a constituent occupies, word - peripheral Onset / Coda position or word - internal Onset / Coda position. The discussion here leads us to conclude that we have to take into account not only hierarchical but linear structures when it comes to dealing with phonological processes in a satisfactory way.
 The final chapter is devoted to a detailed phonological analysis of metrical deviations. it is assumed here that such deviations reflect or recapitulate ongoing or finished phonological processes. Thus Nucleus deviations emerge as vowel alternations, while Coda / Onset deviations emerge as consonantal alternations.Much space is spent discussing vocalic vertical / horizontal processes, durational processes and consonantal processes.
 Summary and Conclusions conclude this dissertation.
            Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Metrical Constraints in Middle English
Chapter 2 Constraints on Rhythm Structure
Chapter 3 Word Stress
Chapter 4 Syllable Structure and phonological
Chapter 5 Phonological Processes Mirrored in Rhyme
Summary and Conclusions

1945年 東京都生まれ。学習院大学大学院博士課程修了。

The Trajectory Constraint and 'Irregular'Rhymes in Middle English (Shinozaki,1985)
'Notes oan Open Syllable Lengthening in Middle English' (with T. Nakao)(kenkyusha,1987)
歴史的にさぐる現代の英文法(共著)(大修館書店1990) 他。

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